Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Jhpiego Partners With Rajasthan Government on Family Planning Initiative

Mother in India with new baby.

Dr. M. L. Jain, the Director of Reproductive Child Health in Rajasthan, has reaffirmed the state’s commitment to provide access to comprehensive family planning services to all women by promoting this life-saving intervention throughout the health system. In a Dec. 13 letter, Dr. Jain announced a variety of family planning methods would be made available

Jhpiego Selected for Gates Foundation Grant to Increase Contraceptive Use in Kenyan Cities

Young woman staninding near a building with shoes hanging.

Baltimore, MD—Kenya experiences high rates of maternal mortality, as well as HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. This is particularly the case in urban slums like Nairobi’s Korogocho and Viwandani. Although public health facilities are within walking distance to homes, many residents won’t go to them for treatment because of a lack of trust and the