Family Planning & Reproductive Health

DMPA-SC | L’auto-soin et les méthodes contraceptives

A partnership for the success of family planning in West Africa Un engagement pour le succès de la planification familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest  The Partnership | L’engagement Jhpiego is the “go-to” partner assisting the Ouagadougou Partnership in the introduction and scale-up a new, innovative and easy-to-use injectable contraceptive — medroxyprogesterone acetate subcutaneously (DMPA SC)

Better Business Management Improves Family Planning Services

When Mutiara Bunda Hospital, which opened in 2005 as a small health care facility, became a general hospital in 2018, its new management had its work cut out. Located in Indonesia’s Brebes district, which has the second highest number of maternal deaths in Central Java province (from Central Java Province Family Health Program Data for