Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Linking Chronic Conditions and Maternal Death


Ever since she started working as a midwife in 2008, Patricia Nwadike knew it was vital that she have the skills necessary to stop severe bleeding after childbirth. Then, as now, the top direct cause of maternal death in Nigeria, and across all of sub-Saharan Africa, was postpartum hemorrhage. However, global data indicate that a

Jhpiego Wins $100 Million Award to Accelerate Health Care Solutions for Women, Children

BALTIMORE, January 22, 2020 – Jhpiego, a Johns Hopkins University affiliate and global health nonprofit, has been chosen to lead the US Government’s most recent $100 million program to advance the survival and the health of women, mothers, newborns and children worldwide. MOMENTUM is a suite of awards designed to help countries introduce, deliver, scale up and sustain the use of evidence-based, high-quality maternal, reproductive,