Global Health Security: Prevent, Detect, Respond

COVID-19 exposed a truth that infectious disease experts like Jhpiego’s Stacie Stender have been warning about for a long time: The world was not ready for a pandemic. Alarmingly, this is not the first, but in fact the seventh coronavirus documented in the last 50-plus years to spread from human to human, she notes. It

Operation Triple Zero Promotes Positive Action for Youth Living with HIV

The adolescent stage of life is often associated with physical and emotional stresses, which can be even more challenging for adolescents living with HIV. Adolescents (ages 10–19) and young persons (ages 15–24) living with HIV (AYPLHIV) often have to contend with the fear and stigma associated with their diagnosis, often without adequate support from their

‘Go Girls’ Clubs Aim for Adolescent Health

Blantyre, Malawi — She was not yet 13, and for most of her life, she was sickly. Malaria, diarrhea, fits of coughing and skin irritations often kept her home from school. A trip to the health facility was too far. But a health worker’s visit to her school’s girls club provided answers to the girl’s