What Good is a Pill, If There is No Will?

Health records revealed that Roger* had been missing his appointments at the clinic in Fort Portal in western Uganda, a region with high HIV prevalence.  His mood, which was beyond sad, hinted as to why Roger was not showing up for antiretroviral therapy. If taken regularly, the medication can suppress HIV to an undetectable level

 Pursuing Dreams in South Sudan

By Maryalice Yakutchik and Joan Nduta with reporting by Susan Martinez Small Jobs, A Big Start Juba, South Sudan — Zita’s soap business makes spot-on sense in a full-circle kind of way. When she was a girl, her mother took in laundry to earn money so that Zita and her sisters could eat and go

Crossing the Last Mile in Sierra Leone

Gibrilla Sillah knows what it’s like to be sick. The 35-year-old routinely felt achy and fatigued; he had headaches and mouth sores. So, earlier this year, he went to a nearby clinic in Lungi, Sierra Leone, where the doctor examined and tested him. Sillah learned the cause of his symptoms: he had tested positive for