In Lesotho, HIV programs give COVID-19 vaccine campaign a leg up

The challenges governments in Africa face to vaccinate their people against COVID-19 have been well-documented. Inadequate supplies and funding, lack of necessary ultra-cold chain technologies for some vaccines, vaccine hoarding by rich countries and delays in shipments all disrupted supply over the past year. Even as supplies improved late in 2021, vaccine hesitancy is disrupting

With PrEP, I am in Control…

…and I Choose to Stay Safe from HIV By Charles Wanga Mathare, Nairobi County—While waiting for her son’s turn at the well-baby clinic of Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO), the only health care provider in the Mathare slum, Ivonta Molenta spotted a young woman handing out brochures. She reached for one but it slipped to

Helping Girls Realize Their Dreams

Lunzu, Blantyre District, Malawi — Alinafe Machilika had to leave high school before finishing her final year, dashing her hopes of becoming a nurse. Her family couldn’t afford the fees. The teen quickly married and soon had a baby, which left her wholly dependent on her husband. The couple fought, mostly about money. With little