
Skilled, Resilient Nurses Save Lives in Mozambique

The government of Mozambique, in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development’s flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program, builds a strong health workforce that delivers lifesaving care to women and families.

Midwives Matter in Strong Health Systems

Skilled, competent midwives are critical to reducing maternal and newborn deaths. The partnership between the USAID-supported Strengthening Human Resources for Health Project and the Ethiopian Midwives Association has led to improved curricula and skills building for midwifery students.

Improved Quality of Anesthesia Education Saves Lives

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The USAID-funded Strengthening Human Resources for Health (HRH) Project has been supporting health sciences universities and colleges in Ethiopia to improve the quality of education for anesthetists and other health providers, including developing faculty skills, strengthening infrastructure, revising curriculum, improving clinical education, establishing a quality improvement system, and initiating gender transformative activities.