Infection Prevention & Control

ECHO Study Results

Health worker discusses family planning with a Tanzanian mother.

ECHO study results released June 13 show three common contraceptives used by women in southern and eastern Africa have no substantial effect on HIV risk.

Infection Prevention & Control

Simple Solutions Save Lives Infections that patients get while receiving care in a health facility harm hundreds of millions of people each year. Health providers themselves are at risk too. We work with ministries of health to build their countries’ ability to prevent and control these types of avoidable infections—for the sake of patients and

Vaccination Efforts Boost Kids’ Health

Preventable childhood diseases are a major national health concern throughout Pakistan, where just slightly more than half of all children are fully immunized. Nowhere is the occurrence of measles, pneumonia and hepatitis B—to name just a few of the common illnesses—more glaring than in remote villages.