Infection Prevention & Control

Saving Newborn Lives in Brazil

In Brazil, an unacceptable number of infants die during the first 28 days of life, nearly 12 infants per 1,000 births. UNICEF estimates that 14% of these deaths are due to preventable infections. Pediatrician Flávio Melo is determined to prevent those infections and save lives. He is leading a team of health investigators in the

COVID Technical

Jhpiego promotes vaccination efforts across three continents. JHU Hosts a Real-Time Map of COVID-19’s Global Spread We are a proven leader in training vaccinators, community health workers and others supporting vaccination efforts and ensuring quality at vaccination sites to promote vaccine confidence. That’s why our teams are at the forefront of vaccine planning, introduction and scale-up

“Claim your valor.”


Reaching men with HIV prevention and treatment services remains a pressing priority in the global HIV epidemic response, but messaging to men can be tricky. In Nigeria, a social media campaign emphasizing the courage it takes to know your HIV status has resonated, increasing men’s participation in HIV screening and treatment. The campaign, called VALOR