Infection Prevention & Control

Midwives Deliver Hope in the Time of COVID-19

Midwife Sharmin Akhter, 25, readjusts her protective gear before she attends to a mother in labor at a sub-district health facility, called an Upazila Health Complex (UHC), in Barlekha, Moulvibazar District. Her reassuring voice comforts the mother, who continues pushing to deliver the baby—until the endearing cry of a newborn engulfs the room.  Sharmin has

Mobilizing Baltimore to Stop the Pandemic

Jhpiego is proud to be supporting the Baltimore City Health Department in its broad response to COVID-19 with case investigation and contact tracing, which involves the provision of training, implementation, quality assurance, and monitoring and evaluation. The innovative centerpiece of this response—which the city and its partners, including Jhpiego, intend to be a model for

Webinar Archive

Jhpiego has joined peers around the world to share expertise around COVID-19. Watch the webinars. The First-Ever State of the World’s Nursing Report: Unlocking the Gender Dimensions || with ICN & The Wilson Center COVID-19 and Family Planning Advocacy || with FP2020 COVID-19 and Implications on Family Planning Services || with WHO COVID-19: Focus on Africa