Malaria Prevention & Treatment

Families Ensure Success of Antimalarial Study in Rwanda

Participating in a study to determine the effectiveness of an antimalarial medication—a therapeutic efficacy study—was well worth the time and effort it took, says Jean Bosco Nzirorera, adding that his family has been healthy and malaria-free ever since. In 2018, Nzirorera, along with his wife Francine Uwimana and their son Ivan Ishimwe, who was just

Supporting Liberia’s Fight Against Malaria in Bomi County and Beyond

Oretha Sondah, a registered nurse at Gayah Hill Community Clinic, has seen plenty of cases of suspected malaria in her small community in Bomi County of northwestern Liberia. The hills around her community used to be home to a thriving center of iron ore and diamond mining until it was destroyed by the 14-year Liberian

Defeating Malaria, One Woman and One Bed Net at a Time

In Liberia, a country where malaria transmission occurs throughout the year, the Ministry of Health prioritizes the provision of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) to pregnant women during the course of their pregnancy. ITNs provide effective protection against malaria and have been shown to reduce malaria illness and death in high-burden settings. These protective benefits are