Maternal, Newborn & Child Health

A Lifesaving Technique in Safe Surgery Project

Kagera, Kagondo – During the last month of her pregnancy, Zainab Abas visited Kagondo Hospital and learned from an ultrasound that she was having twins. One was head down, but the other was in the breech position, bottom down. Initially shocked, she was counseled about delivery by cesarean section, often necessary for breech babies, and

Obstetric Care During and After COVID-19

A webinar organized by the G4 Alliance and taking place Sept. 17 during the virtual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, features Dr. John E. Varallo, Jhpiego’s Global Director of Safe Surgery, as co-moderator of a panel discussing “Obstetrics During and After COVID-19: Delivering for Mothers and Babies.” The pandemic notwithstanding, 5 billion people

Multitasking Nurse Manages Gestational Diabetes amid Pandemic


Madhya Pradesh, India—It was early April, and Nishad Bano’s due date was fast approaching. Soon, her baby would be born during a nationwide lockdown of India’s 1.3 billion people—a frightening though preventive measure against the pandemic. She and her husband, Shahrukh Khan, had big worries and lots of questions. How could they stay healthy? Where