Maternal, Newborn & Child Health

Jhpiego Wins $100 Million Award to Accelerate Health Care Solutions for Women, Children

BALTIMORE, January 22, 2020 – Jhpiego, a Johns Hopkins University affiliate and global health nonprofit, has been chosen to lead the US Government’s most recent $100 million program to advance the survival and the health of women, mothers, newborns and children worldwide. MOMENTUM is a suite of awards designed to help countries introduce, deliver, scale up and sustain the use of evidence-based, high-quality maternal, reproductive,

A Near Death Averted by Timely Training

Kenya Nurse Ursula Nyalenda

Kakamega, Kenya — Nineteen-year-old Jane* delivered a full-term baby in a health facility near her home without complications. When the new mother was discharged a day later, there was no hint of any problem. She was happy to go home and care for her newborn. However, 6 hours later, Jane spiked a fever. She had