Linda and Daniel Mulemi’s journey to first-time parenthood began about one year ago, when they were busy working on their event-planning family business.
A Safe and Healthy Pregnancy Is a Group Effort

Linda and Daniel Mulemi’s journey to first-time parenthood began about one year ago, when they were busy working on their event-planning family business.
Purity Kyalo’s first pregnancy did not go well. She went to her first antenatal clinic at five months. The urban health facility in Nairobi, Kenya, had long queues and few health workers. Purity showed up three days in a row before the doctor could check her and her baby. “When it was my turn to
Isaiah’s birth day is one his mother will never forget. Rain was falling on her island home in Lake Bangweulu when Linda Bwembya’s labor pains began. She sought care at the local health center, where she fully expected to give birth as she had with her first child. But a Jhpiego-trained nurse examined Linda and realized the