Long distances between homes and health facilities made it nearly impossible for pregnant women in some areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to receive the care they needed to protect themselves and their unborn babies from malaria. That’s where community health workers (CHWs), supported by the Transforming Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTp) for
Thanks for visiting us. Get to know Jhpiego, and join our efforts across more than 30 countries to save lives, improve health and transform futures. Good health saves lives. The challenges we face are daunting, but you believe in never saying “impossible.” We do too. Take two minutes to see our life changing work in
Aligning Strategies, Mobilizing Support, Accelerating Progress The Postpartum Hemorrhage Community of Practice Annual Meeting will go virtual for 2020. During the three-day virtual conference, participants will review and discuss emerging evidence and identify critical evidence gaps. Speakers will share implementation successes and shortcomings, identify existing challenges/entrenched obstacles, and discuss potential solutions. Together, we’ll work to