Nursing & Midwifery

Obstetric Safe Surgery in Kenya’s Makueni County: Locally Owned and Sustainable 

Dr. Doris Mbithi, one of just three obstetrician-gynecologist surgeons serving the entirety of Kenya’s Makueni County, was on her way to a morning meeting at the Mother and Child Hospital, the maternity section of the county’s largest referral facility, when she was alerted about an incoming patient. The woman, several weeks post-delivery, was bleeding profusely.  

Nurse-midwives Use Ultrasounds to Improve Maternal Care in Rural Malawi

Blantyre, Malawi — “Fifteen years on the job and I still cannot get over the joy upon hearing that first cry of a newborn baby followed by the relief from a mother and jubilation from family members after a successful delivery,” says Pauline Jalisi, a nurse-midwife in Malawi.  But the journey to jubilation is often