Primary Health Care

Addressing a Short Supply of Oxygen is a Long-Term Gain

Oxygen treatment, Jhpiego

Cape Coast, Ghana –– Medical oxygen has never been easy to come by in Ghana. In early 2020, the country was experiencing a shortage of oxygen supplies. Oxygen canisters were hard to find and expensive when they could be found at all. And then COVID-19 arrived, expanding the number of people who were experiencing respiratory

Jhpiego Supports Countries in Crisis

When Cyclone Idai roiled through Mozambique a few years ago, Jhpiego country staff worked with the government and other partners to help contain a cholera outbreak in the most affected areas of Sofala Province. In response to the recent flooding in Pakistan, Jhpiego quickly mobilized our teams, and in coordination with the Ministry of Health,

Standing by Women and their Right to Health Care

Baltimore, Md. (June 24, 2022)—The decision today by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning a woman’s right to safe abortion care undermines what Jhpiego has been working toward since our founding—the right of a woman wherever she lives to be at the center of her care and in charge of her sexual and reproductive health. Through