One year ago, in a small town in northwest Sierra Leone, Catherine Kamara, a 24-year-old pregnant woman, tested positive for HIV during her antenatal care appointment. “The news of my health condition was overwhelming and scary,” says Catherine. “With counseling and encouragement from Nurse Tinny, I discussed it with my husband and asked him to
A Safe and Healthy Pregnancy Is a Group Effort
Linda and Daniel Mulemi’s journey to first-time parenthood began about one year ago, when they were busy working on their event-planning family business.
A climate-centric approach for healthy moms and babies
BALTIMORE, November 3, 2023 – A global health organization with more than 50 years of experience supporting high-quality health care in all corners of the world, Jhpiego has always strived to ensure that where a woman lives should not determine if she lives. But the dramatic and ongoing change of our planet’s climate is affecting