
Hope to Tailor a Bright Future: Gloria’s Story 

Before I joined DREAMS, I wasn’t doing anything. I was a dropout due to the lack of financial support from my parents. I live in Juba with my parents and my brother, but he just drinks alcohol and doesn’t help us…. I just decided to stay at home, but when I turned 18, I got

Community health workers can help protect pregnant women, their babies from malaria

Community health workers can make a great difference in increasing the number of pregnant women who receive life-saving preventive antimalarial treatment, according to a study conducted in four sub-Saharan African countries and led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by “la Caixa” Foundation. The findings, published in The Lancet Global Health, will help to guide


We partner with funders to help nonprofit and for-profit changemakers accelerate, strengthen and test their ideas. That means supporting them through the innovation process, at any stage, to help them achieve maximum success and maximum impact.    Featured Partners  Bliss Natural Two entrepreneurs had a simple idea: to create a sanitary napkin that didn’t irritate