What Good is a Pill, If There is No Will?

Health records revealed that Roger* had been missing his appointments at the clinic in Fort Portal in western Uganda, a region with high HIV prevalence.  His mood, which was beyond sad, hinted as to why Roger was not showing up for antiretroviral therapy. If taken regularly, the medication can suppress HIV to an undetectable level

Addressing a Short Supply of Oxygen is a Long-Term Gain

Oxygen treatment, Jhpiego

Cape Coast, Ghana –– Medical oxygen has never been easy to come by in Ghana. In early 2020, the country was experiencing a shortage of oxygen supplies. Oxygen canisters were hard to find and expensive when they could be found at all. And then COVID-19 arrived, expanding the number of people who were experiencing respiratory

Women are at the Center of Respectful Maternity Care  

Sierra Leone, Jhpiego

I want to take you on a journey. It begins in the busiest maternity hospital in Delhi more than 30 years ago, when as a young doctor, I was horrified at what I saw. It ends in the present day, in a small health center in Sierra Leone, where I watched midwives deliver respectful, quality