On World Malaria Day, let’s thank community health worker Beatha Mukabucyana of Rwanda and others like her who play a central role in delivering quality malaria services to women and families where they live. Jhpiego is strengthening prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria across Africa with the help of community health workers such as Beatha.
Meet Manthomeng Matete
Meet Manthomeng Matete, who coordinates the Community and Universal Testing for TB among Contacts (CUT-TB) study in Lesotho. A three-country study, CUT-TB is evaluating new contact tracing strategies with the ultimate aim of improving case detection. Jhpiego leads the study in Lesotho in partnership with The Aurum Institute. What problems is study hoping to solve?
“Claim your valor.”
Reaching men with HIV prevention and treatment services remains a pressing priority in the global HIV epidemic response, but messaging to men can be tricky. In Nigeria, a social media campaign emphasizing the courage it takes to know your HIV status has resonated, increasing men’s participation in HIV screening and treatment. The campaign, called VALOR