Laetitia Tagnan, a student at the Norbert Zongo University (NZU) of Koudougou in Burkina Faso, dreams of a career as a diplomat. Optimistic, full of life and determined to achieve her goals, Laetitia, 24, devotes herself to her studies and takes precautions to avoid anything that will interfere with her plans, including getting pregnant. Self-injection
A Midwife and Ambulance to the Rescue
The frantic call from a nurse at the Koukoudé health post came in at 8 p.m. A woman in labor with twins had given birth to the first baby, but now, hours later, the second baby had not yet arrived. Immediately, Kalaya Kourouma, a midwife at the Boffa District Hospital in Guinea, alerted a district
Impact Giving Makes a Difference
My health center, it is really bad. The ceiling collapsed, termites have eaten it up. Community members run away from the health center. The patients have refused to come. The pregnant women used to say, ‘We can’t come to have our babies in this place.’ It is very hurtful but there was nothing I could