CryoPop, Jhpiego’s innovative cryotherapy device to treat cervical lesions more easily and at lower cost, is being produced by Pregna International Ltd, an Indian manufacturer known mainly for intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs). The agreement with Pregna focuses on both commercial and research uses of the handheld device, which converts carbon dioxide to dry ice to
Reliable Data, Quality Services in Malawi Lead to HIV Prevention Success
More than 393,000 men and youth in Malawi have received comprehensive HIV prevention services, including voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC), through Jhpiego’s years of commitment to high-quality, client-centered care. The 393,425 clients who voluntarily chose circumcision with Jhpiego represented nearly half of all the VMMCs performed in Malawi over the past 7 years. That’s an
For this Mozambican Nurse, a Father’s Recovery from TB is a Shared Journey
Sofala, Mozambique – For the past 2 years, Jeque Pita has been nursing Bento Elias back to good health and and a life free of tuberculosis (TB). When they first met at Gorongosa Rural Hospital in Sofala province, Elias complained of chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and night sweats. And he was