Asia & Near East

Finding her worth: Vanessa’s story

San Isidro, Philippines — A single mother and a teacher, Vanessa shares a tiny house in the village of San Isidro in central Philippines with her two children, mother, stepfather and six younger brothers. And she is the happiest she has been in six years. After enduring years of emotional and verbal abuse from her

It begins with you! Give a gift today.

This holiday season, help health workers across the world save lives, improve health and transform futures! 25 million children have been left unvaccinated against life-threatening diseases because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of these children live in low-income countries. India, Nigeria, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and the Philippines are recording alarming rates of unvaccinated children. We bring lifesaving

Jhpiego Supports Countries in Crisis

When Cyclone Idai roiled through Mozambique a few years ago, Jhpiego country staff worked with the government and other partners to help contain a cholera outbreak in the most affected areas of Sofala Province. In response to the recent flooding in Pakistan, Jhpiego quickly mobilized our teams, and in coordination with the Ministry of Health,