Asia & Near East

Midwives Support Self-Care

Devoted to partnering with women—to being “with women,” which is the very meaning of midwife—midwives are keen to showcase the ways in which their role upholds and promotes self-care. The connection between health care providers, such as midwives, and self-care may not be immediately apparent if one sees self-care as separate or in opposition to

MOMENTUM announces project to save mothers and newborns in Indonesia

Mother holding newborn

Despite concerted efforts, high maternal and newborn mortality remains an intractable problem in Indonesia. Two mothers and eight newborns die every hour in the country. The Government of Indonesia is committed to saving the lives of mothers and their babies and improving their access to quality care. USAID’s flagship program MOMENTUM is collaborating with the

Statement from Dr. Leslie Mancuso, Jhpiego President and CEO

September 23, 2021 President Biden’s commitment to release an additional 500 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to low- and lower-middle income countries is very welcome news. At Jhpiego, we know that no one is safe until we are all safe, and that a pandemic—global by definition—requires a global response. This week’s pledge is an important step