Asia & Near East

Better Business Management Improves Family Planning Services

When Mutiara Bunda Hospital, which opened in 2005 as a small health care facility, became a general hospital in 2018, its new management had its work cut out. Located in Indonesia’s Brebes district, which has the second highest number of maternal deaths in Central Java province (from Central Java Province Family Health Program Data for

Jhpiego Partnership Sends 460,000 Face Shields to Health Care Workers

Global health leader Jhpiego, in collaboration with aerospace technology company Lighter Than Air (LTA), is providing 460,000 face shields for the personal protection of nurses, doctors, midwives and other frontline workers around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having worked for four decades to save lives, improve health and transform futures in many of the

Preventing maternal death worldwide

(This story first appeared in 2010). As a young doctor in Kenya, Harshad Sanghvi saw woman after woman arrive at the district hospital bleeding profusely after giving birth at home. Many lived in far-off villages where the local health clinic was little more than a one-room hut. Families would do what they could to get