Laetitia Tagnan, a student at the Norbert Zongo University (NZU) of Koudougou in Burkina Faso, dreams of a career as a diplomat. Optimistic, full of life and determined to achieve her goals, Laetitia, 24, devotes herself to her studies and takes precautions to avoid anything that will interfere with her plans, including getting pregnant. Self-injection
Burkina Faso
Strengthening Primary Health Care
Building future-ready, resilient health systems to ensure access to quality health care for everyone, at every stage of life Half of the world’s population still lack access to essential health services. Over 1 billion people are at risk of falling into poverty from health care costs that are 10% or more of their household budget.
Promoting lifesaving vaccines for all ages. Integrating immunization with other essential health care services. Vaccinating to prevent disease, stop outbreaks and allow people to live without fear of a disease. Jhpiego’s expertise in immunization is based on 50 years of developing the health workforce and improving health service delivery. Our international partnerships and contributions to