Jhpiego supports national malaria programmes (NMP) across 23 countries in sub-Saharan Africa to implement evidence-based malaria service delivery interventions in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation (SME). Priority interventions include insecticide-treated nets, intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), seasonal malaria chemoprevention, malaria case management, and improving data recording and use at service delivery points
Burkina Faso
Community-Level Malaria Prevention Brings Relief in Burkina Faso
In Sinaperedouo, a village in the Sud-Ouest region of Burkina Faso, 28-year-old Bibata and her husband Issa, a 33-year-old gold miner, are overjoyed because Bibata is expecting a third child—and relieved to know that, thanks to the Jhpiego-led Improving Malaria Care (IMC) project, she will be protected against malaria throughout her pregnancy. The IMC project
Keeping Children Fever and Malaria Free in Burkina Faso
Valentine, her four-year-old son Ernest in tow, made her way to her local health center in the village of Tovor in the Sud-Ouest region of Burkina Faso. On this cool morning in the Harmattan season, characterized by dry and dusty trade winds, she needed to see the nurse. After welcoming Valentine, the nurse asked the