Jhpiego Reaches 2 Million Men and Youth with Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention

Pamplets explaining male circumcision. to prevent HIV transmission.

Baltimore, MD—More than 2 million men and youth across sub-Saharan Africa have reduced their lifetime risk of HIV infection by accessing Jhpiego-supported voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services. This milestone—including more than 1 million procedures performed in the last two years alone—represents more than 15 percent of the World Health Organization-estimated 11.7 million VMMCs performed

New Solutions and Incentives to Retain Nurses

Three midwives use a "Baby Natalie" device to help a newborn who is not breathing.

To meet the needs of its people, the government of Ethiopia is working to build up its health workforce. As a result, the nurse-to-population ratio rose from 1 per 5,000 in 2009 to 1 per 2,132 in 2014.1 Despite efforts to retain these workers, however, a recent study of nurses working in public health facilities