Obstetric Safe Surgery in Kenya’s Makueni County: Locally Owned and Sustainable 

Dr. Doris Mbithi, one of just three obstetrician-gynecologist surgeons serving the entirety of Kenya’s Makueni County, was on her way to a morning meeting at the Mother and Child Hospital, the maternity section of the county’s largest referral facility, when she was alerted about an incoming patient. The woman, several weeks post-delivery, was bleeding profusely.  

Time to Amplify Maternal Health Gains With…

AMPLI – PPHI Accelerating Measurable Progress and Leveraging Investments for Postpartum Hemorrhage Impact Did you know? Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. AMPLI-PPHI will catalyze early adoption and scale-up of new and recently recommended drugs to prevent or treat PPH in high-burden countries as part of an integrated package of