In Lesotho, HIV programs give COVID-19 vaccine campaign a leg up

The challenges governments in Africa face to vaccinate their people against COVID-19 have been well-documented. Inadequate supplies and funding, lack of necessary ultra-cold chain technologies for some vaccines, vaccine hoarding by rich countries and delays in shipments all disrupted supply over the past year. Even as supplies improved late in 2021, vaccine hesitancy is disrupting


Promoting lifesaving vaccines for all ages. Integrating immunization with other essential health care services. Vaccinating to prevent disease, stop outbreaks and allow people to live without fear of a disease. Jhpiego’s expertise in immunization is based on 50 years of developing the health workforce and improving health service delivery. Our international partnerships and contributions to

Lesotho Nurses Win Trust during Pandemic

What do a Basotho couple—he, a parliamentarian, and she, a public health specialist in Lesotho’s Ministry of Health (MOH)—have in common with a nun in her mid-90s? More than a few things: All had COVID-19. All were hospitalized. All recovered. And all are praising the skills and dedication of the health care providers who treated