A New Asset in the Malaria Prevention Toolkit

As the eagerly awaited malaria vaccine moves from trial to rollout, Jhpiego is using its 20 years of experience in malaria prevention and treatment—from promoting insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), to supporting seasonal malaria chemoprevention and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp), to providing training to health care workers to test for and treat

COVID-19 & Emerging Infectious Diseases

Mobilizing to Fight Outbreaks and Emerging Infectious Diseases COVID-19, Zika and Ebola. Emerging new diseases have made for some scary headlines—and will continue to threaten men, women and children across the world. In concert with our efforts to prevent and control public health crises by enhancing global health security, Jhpiego works with global, regional and

COVID Technical

Jhpiego promotes vaccination efforts across three continents. JHU Hosts a Real-Time Map of COVID-19’s Global Spread We are a proven leader in training vaccinators, community health workers and others supporting vaccination efforts and ensuring quality at vaccination sites to promote vaccine confidence. That’s why our teams are at the forefront of vaccine planning, introduction and scale-up