Global Health Security

Building Resilient Health Systems for a Safer World Strong public health systems not only enable families and communities to thrive, but also help to ensure stable economies and countries. Jhpiego works with governments and other stakeholders to strengthen health systems and the policies and legislation that support them, so that countries can prevent, detect and

The Long Road to Eliminating Gender Violence

The Global 16 Days Campaign — now 30 years strong — seeks to encourage activism around gender-based violence (GBV) in the world of work. Jhpiego, meanwhile, is on the ground in Mozambique, aiming to prevent unintended consequences of development projects there. The campaign began November 25. From the start of a large-scale road construction project

TIPTOP-Trained Lay Community Counselors Promote Actions for an Optimal Pregnancy

Nineteen-year-old Diolista João is a mother of four living in the Maririmo community in Meconta District, Mozambique. During her first three pregnancies, João only visited the health facility for an initial antenatal care (ANC) consultation to get a prenatal booklet and mosquito net, and then gave birth at home. All three children were low birthweight