What Do Coughing and COVID-19 Have to Do with Carolina?

It was not business as usual this morning at the Matola C Health Center. Clients had to wear a mask and, upon their arrival, stand in a queue, maintaining a distance of at least one meter apart. Carolina Justino, wearing a bright red smock and navy blue cap, stood at the head of the line,

Mozambique Prepares for COVID-19

Following best practices for infection prevention and control is essential for health care providers on the frontlines of preventing the spread of COVID-19. When the government confirmed the first COVID-19 cases in Mozambique on March 22, Jhpiego joined Ministry of Health efforts to ensure that nurses, midwives, and physicians have the knowledge and skills necessary

For this Mozambican Nurse, a Father’s Recovery from TB is a Shared Journey

Sofala, Mozambique – For the past 2 years, Jeque Pita has been nursing Bento Elias back to good health and and a life free of tuberculosis (TB). When they first met at Gorongosa Rural Hospital in Sofala province, Elias complained of chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and night sweats. And he was