Global Health Security

Building Resilient Health Systems for a Safer World Strong public health systems not only enable families and communities to thrive, but also help to ensure stable economies and countries. Jhpiego works with governments and other stakeholders to strengthen health systems and the policies and legislation that support them, so that countries can prevent, detect and

“Claim your valor.”


Reaching men with HIV prevention and treatment services remains a pressing priority in the global HIV epidemic response, but messaging to men can be tricky. In Nigeria, a social media campaign emphasizing the courage it takes to know your HIV status has resonated, increasing men’s participation in HIV screening and treatment. The campaign, called VALOR

Impact Giving Makes a Difference

My health center, it is really bad. The ceiling collapsed, termites have eaten it up. Community members run away from the health center. The patients have refused to come. The pregnant women used to say, ‘We can’t come to have our babies in this place.’ It is very hurtful but there was nothing I could