Linking Chronic Conditions and Maternal Death


Ever since she started working as a midwife in 2008, Patricia Nwadike knew it was vital that she have the skills necessary to stop severe bleeding after childbirth. Then, as now, the top direct cause of maternal death in Nigeria, and across all of sub-Saharan Africa, was postpartum hemorrhage. However, global data indicate that a

Our focus during COVID-19

Early lessons from the Baltimore Health Corps The Baltimore Health Corps, Jhpiego’s first ever US-based COVID-19 prevention project, has achieved its initial goal of establishing a network of contact tracers to identify coronavirus cases, help prevent the spread of the disease and link those affected to services, a new analysis shows. Jhpiego is a key

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Features Jhpiego’s Work with Pregnant Women

BALTIMORE, MD. (October 1, 2019) – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2019 Goalkeepers Report, a yearly compendium of  foundation-supported programs that show progress in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals, highlights Jhpiego’s innovative work in delivering prenatal care to women in group settings and engaging their partners in a family’s health. The Goalkeepers report featured