One year ago, in a small town in northwest Sierra Leone, Catherine Kamara, a 24-year-old pregnant woman, tested positive for HIV during her antenatal care appointment. “The news of my health condition was overwhelming and scary,” says Catherine. “With counseling and encouragement from Nurse Tinny, I discussed it with my husband and asked him to
What Good is a Pill, If There is No Will?
Health records revealed that Roger* had been missing his appointments at the clinic in Fort Portal in western Uganda, a region with high HIV prevalence. His mood, which was beyond sad, hinted as to why Roger was not showing up for antiretroviral therapy. If taken regularly, the medication can suppress HIV to an undetectable level
COVID-19 & Emerging Infectious Diseases
Mobilizing to Fight Outbreaks and Emerging Infectious Diseases COVID-19, Zika and Ebola. Emerging new diseases have made for some scary headlines—and will continue to threaten men, women and children across the world. In concert with our efforts to prevent and control public health crises by enhancing global health security, Jhpiego works with global, regional and