Since the early 1990s, keeping families healthy and free from malaria and HIV.
- With Jhpiego support, more than 178,000 Chadians learned their HIV status and more than 55,000 men received voluntary medical male circumcision services for HIV prevention. In addition, more than 55,000 individuals have been newly enrolled in pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV.
- From 2011 to 2021, more than 6.8 million cases of malaria were confirmed by testing and then treated using artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Also during this period, more than 559,000 insecticide-treated bed nets were distributed, more than 799,000 rapid diagnostic tests administered and more than 5 million patients received ACT at project sites. In addition, 598 providers were trained, more than 54,000 health education sessions about malaria were held and more than 694,000 people were reached with information on malaria through these sessions.
- With Jhpiego’s support, Chad updated its policies regarding intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy to align with WHO’s guidance, encouraging earlier and more frequent dosing of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent malaria exposure/infection during pregnancy.

Our Work in Chad
Armée Nationale Tchadienne Partnership for Sustainable HIV Epidemic Control
The U.S. Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program is supporting Jhpiego to implement a four-year program to ensure that HIV prevention, diagnosis, care, treatment and support services are accessible and of highest quality for members of Chad’s national army (Armée Nationale Tchadienne, or ANT), their families and the civilian communities that are served by 14 ANT health facilities and providers. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the ANT, Jhpiego is strengthening ANT technical capacity in the following areas: 1) HIV prevention; 2) HIV testing services; 3) prevention of mother-to-child transmission; 4) HIV/AIDS care and treatment; 5) clinical laboratory support; 6) HIV clinical monitoring systems; and 7) military health system strengthening. Jhpiego collaborates with military leadership and personnel at all levels, working to ensure that program implementation transition to ANT by the end of the program.
Technical Assistance and Quality Improvement
With funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Jhpiego is providing technical assistance in quality improvement (QI) of community health services in Chad. Working closely with the Ministry of Health, Jhpiego is: 1) providing an analysis of the implementation of the Global Fund’s QI initiative and opportunities to improve community health worker (CHW) performance as part of integrated primary health care teams; 2) developing QI training materials for use with CHWs; 3) developing detailed, costed operational plans for implementation of QI activities focused on CHWs; and 4) supporting the development of a national QI strategy.
Country Contact
Deoudje Noe, Country Director
Quartier Moursal
Avenue Baloum Kondol
Porte 1012
N’Djamena, Chad
Current and Recent Donors
ExxonMobil Foundation
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
U.S. Department of Defense