Working toward a malaria-free future.

Our Work in The Gambia

The purpose of this five-year Activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, is to accelerate the elimination of malaria from The Gambia and achieve the vision of a malaria-free country. This Activity provides strategic support to the Ministry of Health and the National Malaria Control Program to ensure that all who are infected with malaria, whether asymptomatic or symptomatic, are diagnosed and cured, and that infection is prevented through all available tools. In partnership with the Ministry of Health and the National Malaria Control Program, we are strengthening their capacity to design, lead and monitor malaria elimination efforts including: 1) high-quality, resilient malaria elimination services that are delivered at the facility and community levels in all Stratum 1 districts, and are responsive to the needs and expectations of the communities they serve; 2) effective cross-border collaboration with Senegal that contributes to both countries’ malaria control and elimination successes; and 3) innovative approaches to strengthen primary health care and community-level malaria prevention, control and elimination interventions. Jhpiego is leading implementation of this Activity, along with the following partners: the Agency for Development of Women and Children, CIAM Public Health Research and Development Centre and ChildFund International.