Since the 1980s, working to save lives and improve health for the most vulnerable.

  • Under the RISE and NISHTHA projects, Jhpiego supported vaccine-related training in more than 1,500 facilities and trained more than 4,500 health care providers on various aspects of COVID-19 vaccination in India. RISE supported 227 model COVID-19 vaccination centers established across 17 states. These facilities have provided COVID-19 vaccination to more than 56 million people.
  • Through its collaboration with the public and private sectors, Jhpiego helped ensure that competent health care workers provided high-quality maternal health and childbirth services for more than 11.3 million women across 15 states of India.
  • Through its comprehensive primary health care strengthening programs, Jhpiego has provided technical assistance in establishing more than 66,900 Ayushman Arogya Mandirs across 14 states of India. These health and wellness centers cater to a population of 523 million, bringing comprehensive primary health care nearer to their homes.


Our Work in India

This five-year project, funded by USAID, aims to transform, redesign and re-engineer primary health care (PHC) in India for provision of equitable, comprehensive and client-centered PHC that contributes to improved health outcomes for marginalized and vulnerable populations. NISHTHA supports creating a strong, responsive, accessible, sustainable and affordable PHC system that ensures effective delivery of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services and integrates quality services for control of tuberculosis. NISHTHA is working to ensure availability of a skilled workforce, create sustainable training ecosystems and improve health care infrastructure and responsive health systems at the national level and across 12 states (Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura). Core areas of support include: 1) providing technical assistance for rollout of the Government of India’s flagship Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Center program, which aims to achieve universal health coverage in India; 2) creating an ecosystem for designing, incubating and testing innovative solutions; and 3) fostering strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors to strengthen comprehensive PHC and ensure effective delivery of maternal and child health and tuberculosis services and the School Health and Wellness program. Jhpiego is also establishing learning labs across the country, upgrading and operationalizing 30,050 health facilities into functional Health and Wellness Centers, and empowering 24,000 community health officers to lead PHC teams—thereby providing approximately 143 million people with access to high-quality, comprehensive PHC services.

MOMENTUM is a suite of projects, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, that aims to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries by increasing host country commitment and capacity to provide high-quality, integrated health care. Each of the projects has a specific focus area; together they provide a comprehensive, flexible package of support for countries as they overcome context-specific health challenges towards sustainable development. The six-year, Jhpiego-led MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project focuses on: 1) providing targeted technical and capacity development assistance to our missions, partner countries and local organizations; and 2) contributing to global technical leadership and policy dialogue for improved maternal, newborn and child health outcomes. Jhpiego’s sub-partners under this project are: Save the Children, Johns Hopkins University International Vaccine Access Center, Quicksand, Matchboxology, BAO Systems, Avenir Health, McKinsey and Company, PACT, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Christian Connections for International Health and Ubora Quality Institute.

RISE worked as a vital partner in India’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic. More recently, recognizing the evolving nature of public health threats and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and zoonotic diseases transmissible from animals to humans, RISE has shifted its focus to global health security, aligned with India’s programs like the National Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance and National One Health Program for Zoonoses. Collaborating with national-level stakeholders, such as the National Centre for Disease Control and the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, RISE is strengthening early detection and response, enhancing laboratory capacity and investing in workforce development. Ultimately, these efforts aim to build a more resilient public health system in India, better prepared to tackle future global health challenges such as disease outbreaks and pandemics.

RISE is a five-year global project—funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and U.S. Agency for International Development—that works with countries to achieve a shared vision of attaining and maintaining epidemic control, with stronger local partners capable of managing and achieving results through sustainable, self-reliant and resilient health systems. The project is led by Jhpiego with the following partners: ICAP at Columbia University, Management Sciences for Health, Anova, BAO Systems, Johns Hopkins University Center for Public Health and Human Rights, and Mann Global Health.

This three-year project, funded by the Gates Foundation, seeks to strengthen the delivery of comprehensive primary health care in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Jhpiego works with the National Health Mission-Uttar Pradesh to ensure availability of a skilled health workforce, the creation of a sustainable capacity-building system, upgraded health care infrastructure and responsive health systems enabling improved health outcomes in the state. The project strives to integrate maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services as a part of essential primary health care services and strengthen linkages to ensure a continuum of care for various essential health services. By end of project, 21,113 health facilities will be transformed into operational Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness Centres, catering to the health needs of the population of Uttar Pradesh.

Funded by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Born Healthy program seeks to improve the quality of antenatal care and reduce the prevalence of low birthweight (LBW) babies (weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth). While India has made progress on multiple child health indicators, the prevalence of LBW has been stagnant for nearly a decade. Phase 1 of the Born Healthy program (2017–2022) successfully addressed this challenge in Rajasthan, with women who presented early for their first antenatal care visit, reducing instances of LBW by 30%. The program delivered an evidence-based package of services, through the existing government infrastructure, that improved the quality and coverage of antenatal care, with a special focus on maternal infections. Phase 2 (20232028) builds on learning from Phase 1 to scale up the program in 25 districts of nine states (Assam, Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab and Rajasthan). Jhpiego is also developing the capacity of national and state government institutions as well as sharing evidence to inform government budgetary inclusions for sustainability and further expansion in all 271 districts (with a potential to avert 200,000 LBW babies annually).