Plan so your generosity continues beyond your lifetime
Success is often best measured by what we leave behind. For Jhpiego, this means ensuring that countries and communities have the infrastructure, systems and resources to provide women and families with the health care they need not only now but for generations to come.
Join us in creating a better world by including Jhpiego in your estate plans. Make your mark by leaving a legacy that will impact future generations. It’s an act of generosity and vision.

A bequest to Jhpiego means your life’s work can translate into promising futures for women and their families. Bequests can be allocated as a fixed amount or percentage of your estate.

IRA Distributions
Support Jhpiego’s lifesaving work with a direct charitable distribution from your individual retirement account (IRA). Your gift will help Jhpiego reach more women and families with lifesaving solutions while incurring no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits).

Beneficiary Designations
One of the easiest ways to support Jhpiego’s work is to designate Jhpiego as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, health insurance policy, or your investment or bank account. It’s often as simple as signing a form or making a change online, and it’s entirely separate from your will. What’s more, you can review and change your beneficiaries any time, or designate portions to several beneficiaries.

Trusts & Annuities
We are happy to work with you and your financial advisor to set up a trust or annuity to benefit Jhpiego. More information on how you can leave a lasting legacy and touch the lives of women and families around the world is available here. Or, to speak with a development officer about any of these options, contact us at info or +1 410 537 1813. We look forward to working with you!
Contact us
Ready to give but not sure how best to direct your gift? Our knowledgeable and enthusiastic development team is here to help. Rest assured that every dollar you contribute will bring lifesaving health care to women and families around the world.
To speak directly with a development officer:
Evita Wong
+1 443 310 9336 |
Let’s make a commitment today to impact the world forever through the lives we save and the children who are born healthy and happy through our legacy giving. Why wait when we can take action now? As a lawyer, this makes sense to me as it may also provide tax savings. The classic win-win!
Sheela Murthy, Jhpiego Board of Advisors