USAID’s Reaching Impact Saturation and Epidemic Control (RISE) program is saving lives and improving health by controlling the HIV pandemic and strengthening global health security to limit the spread of deadly disease outbreaks. RISE uses proven tactics from over 20 years of PEPFAR implementation to address critical HIV and global health security priorities. As of September 2024, RISE support ensured: Almost 4,000,000 people— including 931,000 pregnant women—were tested for HIV and about 150,000 people accessed lifesaving antiretroviral treatment (ART), suppressing the virus in about 95% of clients; nearly 14,000 babies underwent early infant HIV testing; over 75,000 health workers were trained in emergency and critical care; and 30,000 health workers were trained to prevent and control the spread of infection in health facilities.
Timely, flexible and culturally
appropriate COVID-19 interventions.
Capacity building to Prevent, Detect,
and Respond to emerging health threats.
Prevent HIV Transmission with CAB-LA
The RISE provider toolkit is a vital resource to introduce CAB-LA to PrEP providers in PEPFAR-supported countries. It is designed to help clinicians learn about and support provision of CAB-LA as a new biomedical HIV prevention option.
Visit ToolkitVisit the RISE COVID-19 webpage for technical briefs, job aides and other resources created by RISE teams across the globe
Our ResourcesRISE advances HIV epidemic control through prevention, care and treatment. In December of 2022, 29.8 million people were accessing antiretroviral therapy, up from less than 8 million in 2010. New HIV infections have been reduced by 59%, and AIDS-related deaths reduced by 69% since their peak. RISE continues to contribute to this astounding legacy of progress.
Mothers assisting Mothers in Burundi Index Testing for HIV Case Finding Proven Ways to Include MenRISE stands ready to support stakeholders to prepare for and remediate public health emergencies of international concern.
Kenya Leads in Basic Emergency Care Ecuador’s COVID-19 Laboratory ResponseSystem-focused strategies that are responsive, holistic and flexible in the face of each country’s specific circumstances.
Ecuador Builds Post-COVID-19 Clinics RISE Responds in Rwanda Hypoxia in Emergency CareRISE is funded with support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief and the American Rescue Plan Act, through the United States Agency for International Development, under the terms of the cooperative agreement 7200AA19CA00003. The contents are the responsibility of the RISE program and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.