Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Midwife Monali Thulu, 32, guides Sonali Bhoykar, a second-time mother, as she readies to give birth at the midwifery-led care unit (MLCU) of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital in Maharashtra, India. Beside Sonali and her midwife, Sonali’s husband, a supportive birth companion, holds his wife’s hand and breathes with
Dr. Doris Mbithi, one of just three obstetrician-gynecologist surgeons serving the entirety of Kenya’s Makueni County, was on her way to a morning meeting at the Mother and Child Hospital, the maternity section of the county’s largest referral facility, when she was alerted about an incoming patient. The woman, several weeks post-delivery, was bleeding profusely.
Since he was a child in a small Guatemalan town bordering Mexico, Diego Raymundo knew he wanted to help others. He grew up understanding the importance of community service and, as he began to think about his career, giving back to others soon emerged as a priority. At first, he thought he would become a