Women living near the Otjimuhaka Clinic in the Kunene region of Namibia would have to travel 93 miles (150 km) along a gravel road to reach a health facility that provided cervical cancer prevention and treatment services. But not anymore. Today, with support from Jhpiego, a visiting nurse at the two-room clinic screens women for
Jhpiego Partnership Sends 460,000 Face Shields to Health Care Workers
Global health leader Jhpiego, in collaboration with aerospace technology company Lighter Than Air (LTA), is providing 460,000 face shields for the personal protection of nurses, doctors, midwives and other frontline workers around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having worked for four decades to save lives, improve health and transform futures in many of the
Transforming Children’s Futures in Cameroon through Quality Malaria Care
Parents worldwide want to keep their children from harm. In Cameroon, this means being vigilant about signs of malaria in children and ensuring that they can get to a health facility equipped to provide the necessary care. Malaria, the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the country, is particularly dangerous for children. It’s only