Helping a Teen Mom Dream Again


When we met 19-year-old Jovie Erillia, mother to two-year-old Jhon Kyle, at her home in Santa Margarita in Samar, Philippines, she was living with her partner and his family. She had just turned 16 when she realized she was pregnant, the only one among her friends to face a pregnancy while still in school. “Shocked”

From History to Health – A Day in the Life of a Health Care Provider

Rawat, Pakistan—Sitting in a room full of female health care providers during a refresher training on post-pregnancy family planning, in Islamabad, Pakistan, Tabassam un Nisa, 42 years old, looks back at all the challenges she had to overcome to be the health care provider she is today. The biggest challenge was not being able to

Empowering Youth in Fighting Against HIV

Mariame Toure* spent her childhood taking medications without understanding why because her mother believed she was too young to be informed of her HIV status. As a teenager, Mariame began questioning why she had to continuously take medication; her mother only told her she had to remain on medication for life to avoid falling ill.