Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy through innovative social media outreach in Nigeria


During COVID-19, we all experienced the chilling sensation of a world on stand still in the face of a deadly virus. We can identify with the panic and uncertainty that gripped the world when the virus was declared a global pandemic. Families shut their windows and doors in fear; churches fell silent, markets lay abandoned

Mountain Men’s Health: HIV Prevention at Africa’s Heights 

In the remote and rugged landscape of Lesotho, high in the Drakensberg Mountains, 34-year-old herdsman Retsélisitsoe Tséle was tending his cattle with others from his community in Butha-Buthe district. As he herded his cattle across the vast plains near the Afriski Resort area, he was met by the RISE (Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic) Lesotho