In the whirlwind half-year since Darlene Irby joined Jhpiego as director of digital health and health information, she’s visited country offices in Mozambique, Kenya and Zambia, and coordinated a much-anticipated track—Country Digital Health Strategies—which she’ll lead at the upcoming Global Digital Health Forum, which runs December 9–11 in Bethesda, Maryland. Her Jhpiego team will be
A Near Death Averted by Timely Training
Kakamega, Kenya — Nineteen-year-old Jane* delivered a full-term baby in a health facility near her home without complications. When the new mother was discharged a day later, there was no hint of any problem. She was happy to go home and care for her newborn. However, 6 hours later, Jane spiked a fever. She had
From the Country Director’s Desk
With a slight nip in the air, and Diwali round the corner, it’s that time of the year, when friends and family gather to celebrate the festive season! For us in public health, we know that each day is a joyous celebration when a child is born by choice, not chance; when children and adolescents