Home Stories Navigating the Waters of Resilience

Navigating the Waters of Resilience

The introduction of the Family Planning Logistics Management Information System (FPLMIS) by the Government of India marks a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the supply chain and monitoring of Family Planning (FP) Commodities across all levels, from the national level down to the grassroots ASHA level. This innovative application provides service providers with immediate access to stock information, allowing for the seamless initiation and tracking of requests or issuances of any FP commodity. Its versatility is evident as it can be operated from any location through web browsers or mobile applications, significantly reducing reliance on physical records and paperwork. The FPLMIS thus represents a significant leap forward in promoting efficiency and transparency within the Family Planning supply chain management system.

In the face of annual flood threats, the resilient community in the vulnerable blocks of Lakhimpur district, Assam, has embarked on a proactive journey to safeguard contraceptive security during climate crises. This year, the stakes were higher than ever, with a staggering 147% increase in rainfall, elevating the risk of flooding to unprecedented levels.

Identifying two blocks as highly susceptible, a targeted and comprehensive initiative was launched to fortify emergency preparedness. Engaging 62 Health Sub-Centres and mobilizing 405 ASHAs, the intervention became a community-wide effort. Anticipating the imminent flood, all essential Family Planning (FP) commodities were strategically positioned in the district warehouse, laying the groundwork for a swift and effective response.

Photo credits: Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Program Manager, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership: India-Yash, Jhpiego

As the flood alert echoed, a meticulous review involving Block storekeepers, CHO/ANMs, and ASHAs ensued, assessing the availability of FP commodities. Over 90% of ASHAs utilized the FPLMIS application for indenting, ensuring timely dispatch of requested commodities before the floodwaters surged. Facilitated by USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership: India-Yash, the proactive measures not only facilitated the seamless flow of FP commodities but also highlighted the efficiency of the existing FPLMIS application in streamlining emergency response.

The success of these measures is a testament to the robust and resilient system that emerged during unforeseen disasters. This story unfolds the narrative of a community’s adaptability, unity, and unwavering commitment to ensuring reproductive health despite nature’s formidable challenges.

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